Wow, Y'all...
I just wanted to come on and say how much I LOVE reading y'all's blogs. Your blogs are such blessings!!
Take, for instance, Jen the Hilarious Lady ... her post today was just AWESOME!
" I decided to try an experiment in which I would pretend to be cheerful even if I wasn’t (at least in public). The reason why I decided to do this is because there is more than enough negativity in this world to wipe somebody out even before they get out of bed (especially if you listen to the radio or watch tv). SO, my experiment was to simply only print things that are edifying. I got the idea from Ephesians chapter 4 (starting with vs 29) and, I daresay that every idea I’ve ever gotten from God’s Word has been a winner.
So, does that make me a big faker? Possibly… but honestly, I have always been a great critic of pop psychology and I think that advice given to: “Never bottle up your bad feelings – let them out, lest they explode in a furious tempestuous storm” is pure tripe.
My advice, rather, is not to bottle your bad, sad, mad, angry, feelings but to KILL them. (Your feelings, I mean, not the object in question that may have brought on the unsavory mood). Yep, kill the bad feelings. Do not let them rule you. Put them off, like an old smelly t-shirt, and put on joy. Joy is a CHOICE. Is it hard? yes! But it is possible, and it gets easier the more you practice. I am teaching my children to learn this while they are young. We do not allow moody, angry, nasty moods to tromp around the House of Igarashi. It wrecks up everybody’s peace of mind so it simply is not tolerated."
Is that not profound???
I haven't been blogging a whole lot lately, as I explained to some very dear and sweet ladies who are wonderful friends of mine that I don't want to blog when I'm all caught up in negative whining about my husband being gone and being by myself with the children 24/7/365 (since I homeschool).
And when every thought inside me is negative there's just not much room for fun blogging, ya know??
So I'm going to sit here and blog about POSITIVE THINGS like Hilarious Jen says to do:
- It's cold outside!!!!! As a Floridian, I cannot tell you how truly wonderful it is when it is cold outside!! I hate the heat ~ HATE HATE HATE the heat~ but Florida in January is just a total joy. I can go outside and not sweat!! At all!!! That's just amazing and such a joy. Never underestimate the power that weather has on one's state of mind. And the air conditioning isn't on! You just can't imagine. Truly, 11 months out of the year the air conditioning has to be on in the house, but in January it usually does not, which gives us and our electric bill a fabulous break.
- My husband is coming home in less than a week!! True, he only gets to stay for three days, but we're focusing on the positive, are we not?
- My children are healthy and not on Ritalin or anything. This is huge, because if I could not homeschool them I'm sure that Oldest would have been Mandatory Ritalined a zillion years ago by the stupid school system. Anyone else have children like that? This post just amazed me this morning and made me SO thankful that I homeschool... not because it's easy or fun for me (it's not) but because it's saving my children from so much hideous garbage out there in the world:
"I think ADHD is almost certainly over diagnosed, in a culture averse to the time commitment involved in raising children. It was frightening on my peds rotation to hear mothers say (and I head it twice, in two weeks of clinic): "I just want you to give him something so he'll sit still." Um, hello, you have a 5 year old boy, sitting still is the last thing on his mind when he's not in school. Why don't you take him to the playground and let him run around instead of giving him an XBox to teach him that immediate gratification is a universal, and drugging him up for the occasions when he finds that isn't true? Sometimes I think the surest case for our culture being locked in a death spiral is the fact that we spend millions of dollars on getting children addicted to amphetamines."
The above was written by a Brilliant Medical Student whose blog is just amazing. That quote was just profound, but what was worse was a comment underneath it from another blogging medical student:
"(T)here are a huge amount of kids whose parents have been convinced that their kid is abnormal when their behavior is devleopmentally normal. A little while ago I heard of a parent whose kid's teacher told them that if they didn't get their kid on ritalin they would refuse to have the child in their class. Since when is that teacher a doctor? The parent was extremely distraught and had the kid change schools as a result. What is the world coming to?"
Is that not frightening? And yet, I'm quite sure that would have been my scenario if Oldest had been in school.
So I'm grateful that I homeschool, even though I whine and complain about it and half wish that they went to school so I could have some time to myself, for the LOVE of GOD!!!!!!!!! :)
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