Well, just to catch you up, my house has been on the market now here in Florida for eight months. And my husband has been in Portland, Oregon for six months.
Just thought I'd keep ya current on the ol' situation. :)
He got to come home and visit us earlier this month, which was great, but it looks like the wait from that time to the next time he visits might end up being a good seven weeks. :( So, in the meantime, I'm a homeschooling stay-at-home-all-by-myself-except-with-children (do they count?) Mom.
I'm lonely.
(Insert whining here).
In other news, I have lost 46 pounds in the last two years.
Isnt' that kewl?
And I've actually lost 22 of those 46 pounds in the last six months... the months my husband has been gone. It's actually interesting: it's far easier for me to lose weight when he's not home. This is because when he's home:
1.) I fix meals
2.) We eat them.
At this point, I don't fix meals. At all. The children have never really ever even EATEN the meals that I fixed (we all know the whole mealtime forcing our children to eat what we've cooked thing. It isn't fun) and who wants to cook for herself and two picky kids? I'd rather keep my sanity, thanks. It was different when James was living at home but now that he's not there's just no point.
So I can eat nothing but raw fruit and salad without staring at a meal that I just took four hours to cook and it's a lot easier this way to eat well and lose weight.
Losing weight, as a woman, sucks royal. It especially seems to be truly horrid after you've had a baby. Each successive baby makes weight loss even more impossible. I don't know why this is, but each sucessive pregnancy reset my "total fatso" weight limit higher and higher and higher. Like, as in, prior to pregnancy my "total fatso" weight limit ~ that weight after which my body didn't gain, no matter WHAT I ate ~ was much MUCH smaller than it is now, and it's increased with each pregnancy.
C'est la vie.
But back to how much losing weight sucks.
In order to lose weight, I pretty much (no lie) can only eat raw fruit, raw vegetables (including salads) and cooked non-starchy vegetables.
That's IT. No bread. No pasta. Truly, no dessert at all. Ever. No rice. Nothing that is fun to eat. And I even try not to eat bananas... so I guess I'll narrow my list of foods down to raw fruit that is not bananas, raw veggies and cooked veggies that are not starchy (such as potatoes).
This is pretty much just like what's outlined in the book Eat to Live by Dr. Joel Fuhrman.
It sucks big time, but it works. Slowly. As in, you would think that if all you ate was bunny food (granted, I eat a WHOLE LOT of bunny food, so I am not hungry) that you would weigh bunny weight after a short while, but NO. Weight is hard to lose and comes off much much MUCH slower than it goes on. Which makes me think that my body hates me.
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