We interrupt this new and improved attitude on my blog in order to bring you up to speed on the latest happenings in my neighborhood.
Two houses down from us, there is a 16 year old high school boy that my 13 year old frequently plays with.
Last night, HALO 3 (if you're fortunate enough to not know what this is, it's a video game) came out on sale at midnight.
This 16 year old boy was out, on a school night, at midnight and beyond, buying HALO 3 and now he's home, during the day, during school hours, playing the game. Which is all completely and totally fine with his parents (!!!!!!!).
What kind of a world IS THIS??? When parents allow their children to stay up all night on a streetcorner in front of Best Buy or wherever (and since this guy isn't 17 yet, he had to have a 17 year old friend with him last night in order to show ID to buy the game) on a SCHOOL NIGHT and then skip school the next day in order to play the new video game?!?!?!
Ahh, the quality of life for such a child. Yikes.
Aren't you glad you control the gaming at your house?
Miss your voice.
PS: Hannah turned 13 yesterday. Shocking.
Posted by: Under the Sky | September 26, 2007 at 12:23 AM
very interesting, but I don't agree with you
Posted by: Idetrorce | December 15, 2007 at 09:42 AM
I do kidding you guys!
Posted by: free lance writing jobs | December 12, 2011 at 09:29 AM